So what are the Akashic Records?
I always say that there is an intellectual understanding and a felt understanding of the Records. The latter requires that you actually enter your Records and experience the magic for yourself. The former is just a google search away. In short, The Akashic Records are the library of all existence. And every single human on this planet has their own Records. Sometimes I like to think of each individual’s Records as an apple tree, lush and full, laden with ripe red apples, ready to be picked. And each apple holds a nectar of truth. When we enter your Records, we pull down an apple and take a bite to receive its truth and nourishment. This tree exists only to feed you. To nourish you. To remind you of your wholeness. To fill you with your divine truth. Each apple represents a new nugget of enlightenment; A new piece of truth for you to ingest and integrate.What is a Session like?
To access your Records I use the prayer that was offered to me by my teacher. It is the vibration of your name that acts as the key to unlock your Records. Once the prayer is recited, we have been given access to your Records. And it is here that I like to say you and I have entered The Hall of Mirrors, which is my name for the Akashic Records given to me by my Akashic Records. In this Hall, we are offered the opportunity to find the mirror that you most need to see and experience at this moment in your life. My role in our time together is to be the most glorious reflective surface available to you. That by channeling the information from your Records, I am simply reflecting the truth of YOU to you. And your job is to gaze deeply into this truth and receive. It is my great honor to be your mirror in this process and I work to have the highest level of integrity so that your mirror is a resplendent reflection of you.
How does it work?
There are four ways that I receive information from your Records. The first is through vision. I will see scenarios or images in my mind’s eye. The second is through sound. I often hear snippets of music or poems or TV shows. The third is through sensation. I can feel and experience the emotions that are being held in your body and need to be addressed in order to help you ascend to a greater experience of freedom in your life. And lastly, pure knowing. Often the Records will speak directly through me. In being your mirror and reflecting all of this to you, my job is to get out of the way and allow it all to come through.
✺ Tools For Self Empowerment✺
During your session I will ask you to play detective with me. It’s like we’re both grabbing flashlights and looking under the covers together. The information I receive is for you and often I can’t fully know the significance of something because it is for you. For example, once during a session I saw a corn field and people eating corn, raw corn specifically. I had no idea what this meant. But when I shared the vision with my client I learned that she grew up next to a corn field and corn, specifically raw corn, was a big deal to her family. This information helped us to unpack what came next. But we had to work together to get there. Why do I mention this? Because many people believe the Records are a source of divination and come to a session expecting to be told secrets or to receive a prediction for their lives. It’s the reason I refused to enter my Records for so long: I didn’t want something predicting my life to me. But once I experienced the Records myself, I came away describing them as an elevated coaching session. And that, in my great experience, is a very apt description. No good coach would have you come to a session and sit by passively while they did the work for you. Entering your Records asks you to be involved. To help solve your mysteries. To empower yourself to heal and grow. Neither Records, nor I, are here for you to give your power away. The Records are here to empower you. And that is exactly the gift I work to help you receive during a session: self empowerment.✺ Tools For Self Empowerment✺
What does a session ultimately offer?
✺ Greater self understanding ✺ Clear knowing ✺ A way forward ✺ Connection to truth ✺ The Love of the Universe ✺ The gift of freedom
Because in truth and love there is great freedom.
And my most heartfelt wish is for us all to know the experience of true freedom in our lifetime.
Akashic FAQ
1. Will you predict my future?
No. Your Record could very well show you a potential outcome or path ahead based on current circumstances, but an Akashic Records session is not a divination session.
2. How do I know a session is right for me?
If you are feeling the call or have a curiosity about the Akashic Records then I would say it’s the right time. Your inner guidance system is showing you the way. If you are feeling like you need more clarity, support, are ready for deeper healing and understanding, searching to find your true purpose, feel like it’s time for a change but don’t know where to start, want to know yourself at a deeper level, searching for Truth, are ready for a shift, etc.
3. Is there anything to fear with an Akashic reading?
3. Is there anything to fear with an Akashic reading?
Never. The Records are here to support you in the journey of Love and Truth.
4. What questions should I ask?
4. What questions should I ask?
Questions that begin with What, Why, How, Where are good places to start. Yes or No questions can be too vague to get to the heart of a matter. And often when asking questions, the Records will guide you to distill the question down to its purest truth so that you get the answer you are truly seeking.
5. How do I prepare for a session?
5. How do I prepare for a session?
I believe the best way to prepare is to get quiet and listen. What are you seeking at this very moment in your life? What pieces of the puzzle will help you move forward in the most authentic, honest, truthful way? How can you begin to empower yourself to make the changes in your life that are calling to be made for your sweetest evolution? And then come with an open mind and open heart and be ready to receive.
6. Can I expect immediate results?
6. Can I expect immediate results?
Sometimes the information you receive will hit you like lightning and you will be ready to act. Sometimes it will take time for the messages to make sense and to work their way through your knowing and understanding. Sometimes you need to process and allow the medicine of time to take its course before you are ready to see results. Again, I want to highlight the part where I said, “you are ready”. This reminds me of the proverb “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t force it to drink.” It could take some time before you are ready to drink the water. And that is ok. It’s all in perfect
timing, in service of you.
7. I Can you fix my problems?
7. I Can you fix my problems?
I’m not here to fix you. I’m here to offer you support and the keys to your unlocking. What you do with those keys is entirely up to you. We are born of free will.
8. Can the Records reveal my “Soul Purpose”?
8. Can the Records reveal my “Soul Purpose”?
The Records meet you where you are. Big questions like "What is my purpose?" often cannot be answered in your first session. Think of your life as a garden waiting, wanting to bloom to its fullest beauty and richness. With all gardens there are weeds that must be tended to first to allow space and breath and sun and nutrients to reach the soil and seeds before full blossoming can begin. The Records will always address what needs to be tended to first so that the richness of you can fully blossom. Once those weeds are pulled, the answer to the question can more easily and readily be revealed.
9. Which session should I choose? One hour? A tune-up?
9. Which session should I choose? One hour? A tune-up?
I highly recommend all first time clients choose a one hour session. I promise that you will want the entire time to explore and learn. After that, tune-ups can be great for a quick check in or to clarify a question. But if you’re feeling like you’re at a cross roads or in need of deep support, a one hour session with allow you the space you need to receive all you need to receive.
10. How does a Flower Frequency support my Akashic reading?
When we are in the Records, we are working in a vibrational field. And connecting to that field starts a vibrational shift inside of us. You will never walk away from a session without a shift in your vibration. It’s subtle work that can feel very subtle or sometimes not subtle at all, depending. And a Flower Frequency is created to attune to the specific support you will need, on a vibrational level. It’s truly the best, sweetest, most loving way I could think of to offer you continued support after your session. Think of your Frequency as a dear friend holding your hand at all times.
11. Do you offer in-person sessions?
At this moment, all sessions are offered virtually, via Zoom.
12. What is your cancellation policy?
All changes/cancellations must be requested 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment. No refunds or credits will be issued after this time. Arrivals on day of appointment later than 15 minutes of start time will result in a full cancellation. By scheduling an appointment with me, you signal your understanding of these terms.
13. Can I record my session?
All sessions will be recorded by me and after your session, I will send you a link to download your recording. Links for download will last for one week and will then disappear. Please note: Recordings are for your personal use only and are not meant to be shared, posted or transcribed and shared in full or in part, by video, audio, or writing on any platform in existence or yet to be developed. Scheduling a session signifies your agreement to these terms.
10. How does a Flower Frequency support my Akashic reading?
When we are in the Records, we are working in a vibrational field. And connecting to that field starts a vibrational shift inside of us. You will never walk away from a session without a shift in your vibration. It’s subtle work that can feel very subtle or sometimes not subtle at all, depending. And a Flower Frequency is created to attune to the specific support you will need, on a vibrational level. It’s truly the best, sweetest, most loving way I could think of to offer you continued support after your session. Think of your Frequency as a dear friend holding your hand at all times.
11. Do you offer in-person sessions?
At this moment, all sessions are offered virtually, via Zoom.
12. What is your cancellation policy?
All changes/cancellations must be requested 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment. No refunds or credits will be issued after this time. Arrivals on day of appointment later than 15 minutes of start time will result in a full cancellation. By scheduling an appointment with me, you signal your understanding of these terms.
13. Can I record my session?
All sessions will be recorded by me and after your session, I will send you a link to download your recording. Links for download will last for one week and will then disappear. Please note: Recordings are for your personal use only and are not meant to be shared, posted or transcribed and shared in full or in part, by video, audio, or writing on any platform in existence or yet to be developed. Scheduling a session signifies your agreement to these terms.
Akashic Readings and Flower Frequencies are a complement to traditional medical/psychiatric treatments, and NOT a replacement. Akashic Readings and Flower Frequencies are meant to help you achieve wholeness in conjunction with whatever medical treatments your doctor has prescribed. For serious medical conditions or emergencies, please consult your physician.
By choosing to receive a reading by me, you consent to the understanding that you ultimately have free will and choice through every decision you make post session. I am simply here to highlight potential possibilities.
Terms & Conditions
I consent that I am in good physical health and of sound mind, and do not suffer from any condition that would hinder my participation in a Reading or receiving a Flower Frequency with/from Melanie Herring. I understand that my participation in sessions offered by Melanie Herring are strictly for entertainment purposes and understand any personal medical concerns are under the care of a medical professional. Any advice given is ultimately determined by my own free will and I release any liability to sue Melanie Herring. My participation in all activities, including Akashic Reading and Flower Frequencies, is confirmation that I am fully responsible for any and all risks, injuries or damages known or unknown without limitation. By showing up for my appointment with Melanie Herring or receiving a Flower Frequency, I acknowledge that I have read and completely understand the terms of the release, that I am legally of sound mind, and voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.
Cancellation Policy
All changes/cancellations must be requested 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment. No refunds or credits will be issued after this time. Arrivals on day of appointment later than 15 minutes of start time will result in a full cancellation. By scheduling an appointment with me, you signal your understanding of these terms. Thank you for your understanding!
Can the Records reveal my “Soul Purpose”?
Can the Records reveal my “Soul Purpose”?
The Records meet you where you are. Big questions like "What is my purpose?" often cannot be answered in your first session. Think of your life as a garden waiting, wanting to bloom to its fullest beauty and richness. With all gardens there are weeds that must be tended to first to allow space and breath and sun and nutrients to reach the soil and seeds before full blossoming can begin. The Records will always address what needs to be tended to first so that the richness of you can fully blossom. Once those weeds are pulled, the answer to the question can more easily and readily be revealed.